
Public Tickets

Aljoscha FancyboxClosed   Finnik - WordPress Theme   Updated June 14, 2017 at 8:28am   2 Most recent comment from Paul:Hello!You are absolutely right. Like you said, the correct path should be: background-image: url('fancybox/[email protected]'); I will fix it in the next version. Thanks so much for letting m ... Neto Macedo Date order in PortfolioClosed   Finnik - WordPress Theme   Updated June 8, 2017 at 5:41am   4 Most recent comment from Paul:You're welcome! Aljoscha Hide post informationClosed   Finnik - WordPress Theme   Updated June 4, 2017 at 10:58am   8 Most recent comment from Paul:You're very welcome! iasonasperp Featured image linkClosed   Finnik - WordPress Theme   Updated May 12, 2017 at 11:17pm   2 Most recent comment from Paul:Hi there!Unfortunately, there is no option to insert a link to the Featured Image I am afraid. Only the images in the content area can be linked.Regards,Paul uonmfg portfolio gallery horizontal scrollClosed   Finnik - WordPress Theme   Updated March 3, 2017 at 6:58am   2 Most recent comment from Paul:Hi there!Unfortunately, there is no option for that out of the box. You would have to manually customize the theme for the functionality.Regards,Paul tmizzone Formatting BugClosed   Finnik - WordPress Theme   Updated February 28, 2017 at 10:07am   2 Most recent comment from Paul:Hi there!By default, for the two-column layout, there will also be more space for each column. You would need to use larger image size to make them fit with the columns. You can try using 450px width ... Estelle_Lili Portfolio items on the HomepageClosed   Finnik - WordPress Theme   Updated February 1, 2017 at 4:44am   4 Most recent comment from Paul:You're welcome!Have a nice day to you too! Josien PortfolioClosed   Finnik - WordPress Theme   Updated January 20, 2017 at 4:47pm   6 Most recent comment from Paul:Hi @kristelpeijnenborg!Unfortunately, the theme design only comes with portrait orientation for the portfolio category and item cover images.Regards,Paul JoshMoore Portfolio category image won't show on websiteClosed   Finnik - WordPress Theme   Updated January 16, 2017 at 2:40am   2 Most recent comment from Paul:I have already responded to your private ticket of the same issue. So I'm closing this one. JoshMoore Gaps in the sidebar menuClosed   Finnik - WordPress Theme   Updated January 13, 2017 at 12:37pm   4 Most recent comment from Paul:You're welcome, Josh! Glad I could help! merinveronique Conflict Finnick vs JetpackClosed   Finnik - WordPress Theme   Updated January 12, 2017 at 11:55pm   4 Most recent comment from Paul:Thanks for the information. As I checked with my Jetpack account, I found that the problem was caused by the Photon feature of the plugin.After connecting Jetpack with your account, go to "Jetpack >  ... jakobhahn menuClosed   Finnik - WordPress Theme   Updated December 29, 2016 at 10:05am   4 Most recent comment from Paul:I see that the page title has already been hidden on this page: http://www.roberthahn-design.de/exhibitions/ So, I guess you successfully managed to do that?