  Public Ticket #837369


  • Ray started the conversation

    It seems that the opacity for some elements is being programmatically set to zero. In my case, this is happening to at least elements with the following IDs/classes:

    .full-scrn-slide, #wpml-language-selector, .uxb-tmnl-testimonial-wrapper

    For example, see screenshot: screenshot

    I am using a child theme but this happens even with the parent theme active. Any idea what is going on?

  •  297
    Paul replied

    Hello Ray!

    Yes, you are correct. Some elements have their opacity 0 in CSS code by default, but if those elements are active on the page, it should be displayed properly. It is controlled by JS code.

    For example, all of the ".full-scrn-slide" elements have their opacity as 0 in the CSS. But when the full-screen slider is displayed on screen, the "caroufredsel" JS script will set the opacity as 1 for the active slide.

    However, do you also experience any particular issue from that setting? Could you let me know if that is the case?
