Hi! I have a problem about the page attibutes, when I publish a page and select portofolio category listing so this can be showed as main screen, and i click preview it looks perfect, like in the portofolio example but when I click publish and go see if it was apply, is showing "nothing found"
Am I doing something wrong or should i modify somthing
Hi! I have a problem about the page attibutes, when I publish a page and select portofolio category listing so this can be showed as main screen, and i click preview it looks perfect, like in the portofolio example but when I click publish and go see if it was apply, is showing "nothing found"
Am I doing something wrong or should i modify somthing
please help me
thanks in advance
here are some screenshoots so you can see what I mean.
Thank you
I am so sorry for the slow response.
For your issue, please try:
1. Go to "Portfolio > Portfolio Categories" and make sure you already create the categories here.
2. Go to "Portfolio > All Portfolio Items" and check that all the items on this page have been assigned to the categories you created in step 1.
3. Go to "Settings > Permalinks" and save it once.
Then try opening the front-page again. Please let me know if this helps.