  Public Ticket #2212932
Edit Portfolio Item problem -- images missing


  • mattyoung started the conversation

    My website is working fine on the front end, but when I try to edit a Portfolio Item, I'm unable to see the image thumbnails in the Portfolio Item Settings box. I'm attaching a screenshot of the empty Images box for this page: https://www.billjacobsonstudio.com/wp/project/installation-views/

    The page looks fine on the front end, but none of those images are showing up on the Edit Portfolio Item screen.

    This is a new problem -- when I set the site up about 1 year ago the Edit Portfolio Item images were fine. I haven't tried editing any items since then until today, and have just discovered this problem.

    Have you seen this happen before?

  • mattyoung replied

    This is an additional related problem I just noticed:

    When I create a new Portfolio Item, I'm able to add & edit images, and the thumbnails are visible in the Images section of the Portfolio Item Settings box (see attached screeenshot, "new-portfolio-item-edit-screen.jpg"). However, the front-end display of this Portfolio Item is blank (see attached "new-portfolio-item-blank-display.jpg").

    This is also a new problem, I'm just seeing it now for the first time. But this is the first time in months that I've tried adding a new Portfolio Item.

    I didn't mention it before, but I'm using v.2.0.0 of the Finnik theme, which I updated from the initial install of v. in August 2019.

  • mattyoung replied

    I've done some more testing, and I realize that the 2nd problem I described -- of new Portfolio Items not displaying any images on the single item front-end Portfolio post -- is because I had modified the single-portfolio.php template in the child theme back in the version & it needed to be updated to the 2.0.0 version. So that's solved.

    But the original problem, of the image thumbnails not appearing in the Edit Portfolio Item Settings interface is still unsolved. My hunch is that it's related to the switch from OptionTree to Advanced Custom Fields for this version of the theme. Is there anything I can do to restore the image thumbnails & make the existing Portfolio Items editable again, or do I need to re-create all of them? 

  • mattyoung replied

    I've isolated that the problem is the update to Finnik v2.0.0 and the switch from OptionTree to ACF Pro. I set up a new dev site & installed Finnik v1.0.8.1 as the theme, then created a new Portfolio Item and added some images to its gallery. Then I updated the theme to v2.0.0 and activated the ACF plugin while leaving the OptionTree plugin also active.

    You can see in the screenshot of the Edit Portfolio screen that the OptionTree item settings box displays the gallery thumbnails, and the ACF item settings box is blank.

    Is there some extra step I need to do to get the ACF box to include the existing gallery thumbnails? I need to be able to edit my existing portfolio items that were created in the OptionTree version of the theme.

  •  297
    Paul replied

    Hi Matt,

    I apologize for the very slow response and thank you for the detailed explanation of the issue.

    I am not sure if you have already migrated the data from the OptionTree plugin to ACF Pro in the latest version of the theme? You should see the Migrate Data button in the top notification area after updating the theme.

    But if not, could you please try switching the theme to another one and switch back to Finnik? You should then see the button. After the migration is completed, you should see the images in the ACF image field on the back-end.

    Let me know if this helps.
