  Public Ticket #2149596
Video Caption not showing (Vimeo)


  • bditzen started the conversation

    hey there

    i really like your theme. thank you for it!

    my problem: video caption (in portfolio items) don't seem to show up. It's a little strange anyway, as the caption field for video only shows up when I choose "mixed" content (not when I choose "video").

    can you help?

  •  296
    Paul replied

    Hi there!

    It seems to be a bug. Could you please send me your site URL and login account? I will help you check and update the code on your end.

    *Don't forget to mark your reply as Private when sending the credential.


  •   bditzen replied privately
  •   Paul replied privately
  •   bditzen replied privately
  •   Paul replied privately
  •   bditzen replied privately
  •   Paul replied privately
  •   bditzen replied privately
  •  296
    Paul replied

    It is possible to adjust the caption using custom CSS. Please try applying this code:

    .video-wrapper .image-caption {
        float: left;
        margin-left: 32.3%;
        margin-right: 11.42%;
        margin-bottom: 5%;
        width: 43.33%;
        word-wrap: break-word;