  Public Ticket #208966
Portfolio Sliders Not Displaying on Tablet


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    Sarah started the conversation

    My client says the sliders for each individual portfolio items (example url provided in other field) are not displaying on her ASUS Android Tablet. I've tested this on my iPad and have run tests on other Android Tablets using Browserstack and cannot reproduce on other tablets. Any ideas on why only this slider wouldn't be showing up? It's HTML based so I don't see why it wouldn't. Her tablet is up to date with the latest version too.

    Thank you!

  •  297
    Paul replied

    Hi Sarah,

    I could not reproduce the issue on my iPad and Android mobile too. I could see the slider as normal.

    Actually it should work fine... I am not sure why to be honest but there might be something specifically on her tablet preventing from seeing the slider items. What about the browser she is using? Any relevant app installed?


  •   Sarah replied privately
  •  297
    Paul replied

    Hmm, how strange. Looks like it only happens on Firefox on Android. There is no problem with Firefox desktop version.

    I have no idea why some scripts/CSS are not working on Android Firefox though... It might probably be related to the browser engine itself. :-/

    Anyway, please go to "Style Customizer > Others > Custom CSS" and try applying this custom CSS:

    @media only screen and (max-width: 959px) {
    		@-moz-document url-prefix() { 
    			#uxb-port-single-images-container {
    				background: none;
    				min-height: inherit !important;
    			#uxb-port-single-images-container .uxb-port-single-slides, 
    			#uxb-port-single-images-container .flex-viewport {
    				opacity: 1;
    				visibility: visible;
    			.uxb-port-slider-controller {
    				display: block !important;
    				opacity: 0.3 !important;

    This should help to make the slider displayed.

  •  1
    Sarah replied

    Thank you soo much! This solved the problem wonderfully. 

    Thanks for such awesome support! Some of the best I've seen for WordPress themes :)