  Public Ticket #1472258
Left Menu


  •  2
    bluemo126 started the conversation

    Hi dear Developer,

    great minimal theme! just few issues then everything is perfect in my project and i´ll give 5-star-rating:

    1. Is it possible, to display the left menu more on the top? Maybe @ the top of the content container? --> GOT IT

    2. Can I hide 2nd level menu? So it only will appear when clicking the 1st menu item?

    3. Is it posssible to display the active menu item as permanently underlined? (when you hover over it, it is underlined. I will hide the post title, so i like to highlight the active menu item in the left navigation)


    Edit: Realized the 1st issue via custom css

  •  297
    Paul replied

    Hi there!

    Thank you for your kind words!

    Regarding your questions:

    2. Did you mean sub-menus? By default, sub-menus are already hidden and they will only appear when the parent menu item is hovered. But if you mean something else, could you please elaborate?

    3. Sure. There you go:

    .menu-list > .current-menu-item > a {
        border-bottom: 1px solid;


  •  2
    bluemo126 replied

    Hey Paul!

    Thank you too for the quick reply! :-)

    - Yes, i mean the submenus. Ok...then there is something weird in my finnik...the submenus appear permanently. I give you credentials and a screenshot, so you can see.

    - Menu underlined: Thanks 4 the css, but unfortunately it doesn´t work. maybe i have 2 delete some of the custom css i wrote in. Can you maybe a closer look? That would be very cool. How can i give the login data secure to you?

    Best regards

  •   bluemo126 replied privately
  •  2
    bluemo126 replied

    UPDATE: Fixed it with the submenu AND your css IS WORKING NOW ! Big up Paul, thanks!

    NEW ISSUE: Now the arrow appears on the right side of the active menu item, how can i hide it?

    Thanks Paul.

  •  2
    bluemo126 replied

    Last issue sorry....won´t bother you any more :-)

    Submenu display working now, BUT it appears in a grey box now. i loved the submenustyle of the screenshot. It´s minimal and fits in your theme style perfectly. It is possible to display the submenu in this style?

    Thank you so much Paul.

    Best Regards

  •  297
    Paul replied

    So you wanted the submenu to display right below the parent menu instead of popping out in the float box?

    Please try using custom CSS like this:

    .sub-menu .sub-menu {
        background: none;
        padding: 20px 12px;
        position: static;
    .sub-menu li {
        text-align: right;

    You can apply the code by going to "Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS".

    If you would also like to use custom CSS for other elements, I recommend Developer Tools on Chrome or Firebug on Firefox to inspect the elements on the page. Then you will know which CSS selector to adjust.

    More info: https://uxbarn.com/inspecting-elements-developer-tools/

  •  2
    bluemo126 replied

    Thank you so much! and thanks too 4 the tip. I used firebug before, but the new firefox developer edition is really cool.

    I just gave the theme 5-star-rating and think about buying some additional licenses in the future for projects of my customers.

    Last question (really :-)) - my customer asked, if the gallery / lightbox -style of the images could be more minimal? maybe in an future update? My customers said the toggle buttons (previous/play/next) are too big.

    Would be very cool if the buttons are only - in minimal style - in the corner bottom left, like it is realized here: http://www.jacklatham.com (squarespace web building kit) when you go into the image gallery

    or here: https://laurentkronental.com/

    What do you think ? Or like you did it in ENSO theme, but only with arrow left/right and without the navigation-block (prex/play/next/pause) at the top of the picture. 

    Have a great day and stay healthy my friend ;-)

  •  2
    bluemo126 replied

    Forgot the arrow. Cannot find how to hide it via firefox developer...it´s only classified with 


    html.fa-events-icons-ready.wf-rubik-n4-active.wf-active body.page-template-default.page.page-id-24.logged-in.admin-bar.customize-support div#mm-0.mm-page.mm-slideout div#root-container.clearfix.side-fixed div#side-container.layout-component nav.site-menu ul#menu-menu-1.menu-list.menu-style.sf-js-enabled.sf-arrows li#menu-item-83.menu-item.menu-item-type-post_type.menu-item-object-page.current-menu-item.page_item.page-item-24.current_page_item.menu-item-83 a

    Sorry but can you help last time? I can hide the logo arrow via customizer, but not the active menu-item arrow

  •  297
    Paul replied

    Thank you very much for the kind review! I appreciate it and happy to hear you like the theme.

    For your questions:

    1. You can use the lightbox skin as same as the Enso theme (more minimal) by going to "Appearance > Customize > Other Styles" and select "Skin 1" for the Lightbox Skin option.

    Then you can hide the navigation block using this custom CSS:

    #fancybox-buttons {
        display: none;

    2. To hide the arrow on the active menu, please try this CSS:

    .menu-list > .active::after, 
    .menu-list > .current-menu-item::after, 
    .menu-list > .current-menu-parent::after, 
    .menu-list > .current-menu-ancestor::after {
        display: none;

    I hope this helps!

  •  2
    bluemo126 replied

    You are sooooo good!!! :-)

    all has worked and helped! thank you so much paul and have a great day!

  •  297
    Paul replied

    You're most welcome! Happy to help!

  •  2
    bluemo126 replied

    Sorry paul...

    just wanted to go online...and menu on mobile devices is not displayed..can you help please a last time?

    thank you, best regards

    PS: and to show the active submenu item permanently? it always disappears after clicking. sorry for disturbing...

  •  297
    Paul replied

    1. As I checked, the cause of the issue is the custom CSS you are using that moves the side container up 78px on the desktop view (it also affects the mobile view).

    You can use it like this to fix the position of the container on mobile view:

    @media only screen and (max-width: 1023px) {
        #side-container {
            margin-top: 0 !important;

    2. To always display the submenu, please try:

    .sub-menu {
        display: block !important;
    .current-menu-parent > a,
    .current-menu-item > a {
        border-bottom: 1px solid;

    Let me know if this helps!

  •  2
    bluemo126 replied

    Hey Paul,

    first i have to say: the support of this Theme ist really outstanding, and i will spread this in my developer community. Will buy a 2nd license soon to support you.

    1. --> Really nice - it works fine - menu @ mobile is displayed!

    2. Nearly perfect :-) Only one minimal issue, is to hide the submenu when it´s not hovered/active - is this possible?

    Thank you great paul and best regards!

  •  297
    Paul replied

    I am sorry for late reply. I see that now the submenu is already hidden when its parent isn't hovered. So, did you already figure it out?

  •  2
    bluemo126 replied

    Hey Paul,

    no problem, hope you had a good weekend.

    No, just took the old solution from before. It is "half-perfect" :-)

    -> it should be normally hidden (like now, only visible when you hover), BUT when an sub-menu-item is ACTIVE, then it should be displayed permanently - but only when it´s active (so the website-visitor can see: "Ah, here I am").

    At the end, let me know your adress where i have to send the champagne to :-))

  •  297
    Paul replied

    Ah, I see. So, I hope this one is what you are looking for:

    .current-menu-parent .sub-menu {
        display: block !important;
        opacity: 1 !important;


  •  2
    bluemo126 replied

    It works.

    Thank you so much.

    @ other readers: buy this theme!! It is awesome! Best support ever!

  •  297
    Paul replied

    You're most welcome and thank you!