Not out of the box unfortunately. You would need to manually edit the plugin code or override it in the theme to enable the comment for "portfolio" post type. The related plugin is "UXbarn Portfolio" and the related plugin file is "/includes/post-types.php". There you will see the function of "uxb_port_register_cpt()" which you can add the support for comment. Then, on your admin dashboard, make sure you mark each portfolio item as "Allow comment" and you would have to additionally put the following code into the "/uxb_templates/single-portfolio.php" file (in the theme directory) to display the comment:
<?php comments_template( '', true ); ?>
Please note that, normally, the customization would be beyond my general support which only cover the issue of the default package. In case you are not familiar with coding, I would recommend to find a freelancer/developer to help you on the theme and plugin customization.
Not out of the box unfortunately. You would need to manually edit the plugin code or override it in the theme to enable the comment for "portfolio" post type. The related plugin is "UXbarn Portfolio" and the related plugin file is "/includes/post-types.php". There you will see the function of "uxb_port_register_cpt()" which you can add the support for comment. Then, on your admin dashboard, make sure you mark each portfolio item as "Allow comment" and you would have to additionally put the following code into the "/uxb_templates/single-portfolio.php" file (in the theme directory) to display the comment:
Please note that, normally, the customization would be beyond my general support which only cover the issue of the default package. In case you are not familiar with coding, I would recommend to find a freelancer/developer to help you on the theme and plugin customization.
Although I do not have much experience with Wordpress I made this correction.
Thank you very much!