  Public Ticket #146655
How to mix portrait and landscape on the same portfolio item?


  • Flavio started the conversation
    Hi guys, I would like to mix portrait and landscape photos on the same portfolio item. Actually, I can do it but the slider crop some parts of the photo to show my portraits photos with the full width. I would like to show the portrait photos full. No cropping. Is it possible?
  •  297
    Paul replied

    Hi there,

    Unfortunately not out of the box. You would need to manually edit the plugin code or override it in the theme to adjust the image size. The related plugin is "UXbarn Portfolio" and the related plugin file is "/includes/plugin-functions.php". There you will see the function of "uxb_port_register_plugin_image_sizes()" which you can adjust the width and height of all plugin image sizes. After the editing, you would need to re-upload the images to make WordPress use new defined dimensions.

    Please note that, normally, the customization would be beyond my general support which only cover the issue of the default package. In case you are not familiar with coding, I would recommend to find a freelancer/developer to help you on the theme and plugin customization.


  • Flavio replied

    Unfortunately I think it is not what I need. If i change the width and height of a image on "uxb_port_register_plugin_image_sizes()" all my images will have the same width and the same height. I need two different proportions: one to landscape images and other to portrait images but I need to show all in a single layerslider. Do you get it? On a single porfolio I need to put some images landscape and some images portrait. Is it possible?

  •  297
    Paul replied

    You can try using the height as "9999" instead of "676" and change from "true" to "false" for this code:

    add_image_size( 'uxb-port-single-landscape', 1100, 676, true );

    Then any portrait images should have different height on the slider. See here for the function reference: http://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/add_image_size

    P.S. As mentioned previously about the customization, for more details and/or other customization case, please find a freelancer to help you out. You can find great ones on: http://www.microlancer.com/


  • Flavio replied

    Great, Paul!

    I just changed the crop parameter to false. So the slideshow is always at the same proportions (1100 x 676). I also added the following CSS to center the image on the slideshow:

    #uxb-port-single-images-container, #uxb-port-single-images-container * {
    	text-align: center;

    After these changes I can't update to a new Fineliner theme version, correct?

  •  297
    Paul replied

    Hey Flavio,

    You can use child theme for all the customization code so you can update the theme without losing your changes.


  • Flavio replied

    Thanks, Paul. Grateful for your help.

  • Melanie replied

    thanks so much Flavio, this exactly what I needed to do too! it makes sense that a portfolio would have a mixture of portrait and landscape photos!
