  Public Ticket #1431582
Portfolio template view


  •  1
    SannaEver started the conversation

    Hello everybody,

    is it possible to use both portfolio template layouts on two different pages on my website?

    I´d like to have the list layout on my homepage and the grid layout on my separate portfolio page.

    Thanks in advance.

    Kind regards,


  •  297
    Paul replied

    Hello Sanna!

    Unfortunately, there is no option for that out of the box. You would need to manually customize the theme for another custom page template.


  •  1
    SannaEver replied

    Hello Paul,

    what a pity. Than I have to try it on my own. :-(

    Maybe you could give me some clues how can I do this?

    Kind regards,


  •  297
    Paul replied

    Basically, you can duplicate the "template-all-works.php" file and rename it for a new custom template. But since each template needs to display different categories and styles (grid or list), then you would need to duplicate and customize the template parts as well. (You can see the related template-parts files in the code of "template-all-works.php.")

    However, if you are not familiar with coding, I would strongly suggest finding a freelancer to help you out on the customization job. Here's the site I recommend for the service finding: https://studio.envato.com/.

  •  1
    SannaEver replied

    Thanks a lot Paul. Now I know how to do this. :-)

    Kind regards,


  •  297
    Paul replied

    You're most welcome, Sanna!