  Public Ticket #1042319
Portfolio items on the Homepage


  •  2
    Estelle_Lili started the conversation

    Hello UXbarn,

    I would like to remove the portfolio categories on the homepage, so that each image refers directly to the project. That is to say, in the example of Finnik, clicking on what corresponds for example to "Landscape", to arrive directly on an explanatory page of the project. In other words, on the homepage, keep this layout (three columns), and by clicking on the image, go directly at a project page (example: Landscapes > http://themes.uxbarn.com/wp/finnik/portfolio/aorakimount-cook/). So, in the menu on the left, there would be only one homepage title "PROJECTS" and not "LANDSCAPES, PEOPLE, PORTRAITS, STREETS, WEDDINGS".

    Is that possible, please? If so, is there a limited number of items on the home page or can it be "unlimited" ?

    Thanks a lot for your help,


  •  297
    Paul replied

    Hello Estelle_Lili!

    Yes, you can do that. Regarding your questions:

    1. To directly display portfolio items (not portfolio categories) on a page, you just have to select the "All Works" template under the Page Attributes box on the page edit screen (screenshot: https://cl.ly/iy9A ). The box is on the right hand side of the screen.

    You can also adjust the layout of the template (2 or 3 columns) by going to "Appearance > Customize > Portfolio Options".

    2. To modify the site menu, you can do that by going to "Appearance > Menus" and add only the "PROJECTS" page (that uses the "All Works" template mentioned about) into the menu and remove all those unwanted ones.

    3. To limit the number of items per page on the "All Works" template, you can do that by going to "Appearance > Customize > Portfolio Options" and scroll down to the "Portfolio Item Options" section. There you will see an option allowing you to set that (screenshot: https://cl.ly/ixqf ).

    Hope this helps!


  •  2
    Estelle_Lili replied

    Hello Paul,

    Thank you very much for your quick answer !

    Everything is clear now, I am glad that these options are readily available ! 

    Have a nice day ! 


  •  297
    Paul replied

    You're welcome!

    Have a nice day to you too!