  Public Ticket #1036290
Fullscreen slider on individual pages


  •  2
    Foothillsrep started the conversation


    I am trying to have specific images used in the full screen slider for each separate page, (with a different set used for the home page), but it is not transitioning between slides on the individual pages. The slider works fine for the home page (which was set up in the RFWB slider). 

    On each individual page, there is a space to add slides to the "fullscreen slider settings"- which I have done. I have also uploaded images and successfuly set up the RFWB Slider. On the home page, the RFWB slideshow works great, and when I navigate to a certain page, the first slide added to that page's "fullscreen slider settings" appears. But it does not transition/show the other slides added to the page.

    There are setting in the RFWB that can display those images in a variety of locations, and I tried changing those settings, but that did not cause the page 'slides' to transition.

    Thanks so much for your help!!

  •  297
    Paul replied

    Hi there!

    On your admin panel, please go to "Theme Options > Fullscreen Slider" and select "ON" for the "Enable Auto Rotation?" option. This should help.


  •  2
    Foothillsrep replied

    Ha! That definitely did the trick! (I thought that option was for literally rotating an image form portrait to landscape orientation.)

    Thank you!!  :)

  •  297
    Paul replied

    You're welcome!