How can I make portrait photos have the same width as landscape photos on portfolio single pages?
You would need to customize it via a child theme. Please do:
1. Create a new child theme for this customization. For how-to instruction, please see:
2. In the parent theme, open the "/includes/plugin-codes/custom-uxbarn-portfolio.php" file and find this function:
function enso_print_portfolio_image_format_content( $image_id_list_string ) { ... }
3. Copy and put it into the "functions.php" file of the child theme you created in step 1.
4. After that, find this code in the function:
$image_size = 'enso-port-single-portrait';
Change it to:
$image_size = 'enso-full-width';
5. That's it. The theme should now display portrait photos in full-width.